The Parish Council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in The Link (the former Methodist Hall) in Bishop Sutton. There is ample parking to the rear of The Link & a map is shown below.
Parish Councillors are usually available for an open surgery from 1915 until the meeting begins each month at The Link, where parishioners may discuss any relevant matter without having to be formally involved in the meeting.
The agenda for all Parish Council meetings are displayed on the notice boards in the Village Hall & opposite the village shop in Bishop Sutton & on the notice board in Stowey, along with on this website on the agenda page. The agenda for the next meeting is usually published a week before the meeting.
Minutes for each Parish Council meeting are approved at the subsequent meeting. The current minutes & finances are available on the minutes & finances page. Minutes & finances of previous meetings can be downloaded from the minutes & finances page as well. The minutes & finances from the previous meeting are usually published a week after the meeting.